How It Works

The Basics 

Start- July 9th
End- Sept. 2nd
$5 to enter
8 points possible each day
50 points is a complete week
6 freebies points each week
Record your points before noon each Tuesday
2 Winners will each get half of the pot of cash

The Goal

Our goal every week is to earn 50 points.  However, each week it's possible to earn a total of 56 points.  That means there are 6 freebie points per week ('cuz we all need a little "wiggle room" to keep us from getting discouraged).  Use your freebie points however you'd like but once there gone, there gone! Points don't carry over from week to week.

How to Earn Points

1 point per day- At least 30 min of exercise daily
We have one "rest day" a week where we get our exercise point without breaking a sweat. 

1 point per day- 5 servings of fruits/veggies daily

1 point per day- 50 oz of water daily
Water only. No other drinks, including flavored water, count for the 50 ounces.

1 point per day- No sugar/soda
Use your own discretion on this oneThings like cookies, cake, candies and other junk food are outThere are other generally healthy foods that have sugar in them (i.e. whole wheat bread, yogurt, etc).  You decide how strict you want to be about those things.

Before you decide not to enter the challenge because of this one, let me fill you in on a little secret; no sugar is going to be hard for 99.9% of the people reading this.  But the whole point of this challenge is making better, healthier habits.  Some of you may decide its worth it to sacrafice a no sugar point once a week and give yourself one day a week to indulge your sweet tooth  Whatever works for you is fine, but hopefully, we'll be more conscious of our food choices and that will help us choose more healthy food, more of the time. 

1 point per day- No eating after 8 PM nightly

1 point per day- Brush and floss teeth
Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once.

1 point per day- 7 hours of sleep

1 point per day- Personal point
Here's where you can be creative.  Set a personal goal and reward yourself for it!

Total possible points per day = 8 points  

How to Record Points 

Record your points before noon each Tuesday.
Find the "Weekly Points" page on the right side of this blog.
Locate your name along the left side of the spreadsheet.
Record your points under the appropriate week.
Be honest when recording your points.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

The person who has earned the most points at the end will win half of the money.  Each person who records their points on time every week of the challenge will be entered into a drawing for the other half of the cash prize.  Two winners, twice the fun!

Join the Fun

To participate is $5.  You can mail me a check, bring me the cash, or use PayPal to pay your entry.  Please include your mailing address, phone number, and email address with your payment.


Contact me at karirugg at yahoo dot com


  1. Please sign Corey & I up, we just paid via paypal :). And oh boy wish me luck!

  2. You and Corey are all set! Whoo Hoo!
